I could feel the disgust, simmering beneath as this guy stuffed, his long, fat cock, deep into my asshole. It felt good. I cast the possession spell so I could take over a random attractive girl. It wasn't personal. She just happened to be the nearest suitable flesh suit to merge into. She had been arguing with her neighbour, David, ever since she moved in. The level of sexual frustration was unbelievable. I could read the guy so easily. He had been trying it on with her and when it failed it turned to hatred. So moments after I possessed this tight and curvy student, I slinked over to David and put my hands on his shoulders. He was confused, but did nothing to stop me. I pulled him in for a kiss, hoping his wife would see. A hand reached down inside his shorts and I squeezed. Wow. Impressive. And just what I needed. I could feel her personality trying to push through and stop me. I was too strong. Stupid girl. Does she think I'm an amateur? I was having this slab of meat and I was going to draw the attention of his slobby fat wife. From sifting through her memories, I can tell this guy is horny for the sexy 20 something neighbour because his wife has lost her appeal. I am a manipulating shit, so this is music to my ears. God he was gagging for it. I love that. Part of the fun of taking over sexy babes, teasing and having power over loser like this. He fumbles and gropes my perky tits and peels off my top. I slide down her skirt and shimmy out of her panties. His wild snake was poking me in every hole. Finally he stabs me hard in the ass, stuffing, thrusting, and pumping. I moan. He's good. He may be a creep but he's fucking good. I encourage him, I moan. Loudly, "Oh David. Do me MMM please, harder"! Hopefully that fat bitch will hear.
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