Hi everyone. This is an update to remind you that the blog isn't dead. I have just gone part-time. That being said, along with new caps, how would you feel about longer stories. I'm not necessarily talking pages and pages but we will see how it goes after I experiment. I will still be doing the caps as usual but feel the need to try something different. I have written a few short stories here and there. The main core of my style will remain the same, we're not reinventing the wheel, just allowing for a bit more life in the ideas. The content will (as usual) be as and when I have time. I have posted a poll on Twitter/X so if you would be so kind as to visit the Twitter/X page and vote in the poll, that would be fantastic:

I should point out there will like be images along with the stories but we'll see how that can be incorporated.

Christopher Jones aka Chrissie Hyde aka Dr Destruct
