Capping Collaborations

What happens when your capping mojo goes? You seek out inspiration where you can. As a member of a decent capping community I think I am very lucky. Chatting with other contributers sometimes help give me ideas. I was talking with another talented capper Steven Biggin. He is a fan of the demonic possession caps like myself. He has produced many fine caps in this genre. Fellow cappers will know a good pic makes a better cap. So when Steven presented me with a selection of pre-prepared demonic pics that were missing a story, I jumped at the chance. So here are a couple of caps I threw together thanks to Steven.


  1. EXCELLENT!! I couldn't have done a better job myself :) I especially how the first demon "gets to play with the humans" for a while :) That "suit" looks good on him ;) Please Chris...more of your wonderful work, inspiration allowing, LOL. Thank

  2. (incomplete finish from last post, lol) :)


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